eof (OP)
November 21, 2013, 12:24:42 AM |
I'm a programmer; I got into bitcoin in early 2011; and was smart enough to keep a sizeable stash (several hundred btc). When bitcoin started really going through the roof I spent a bunch of time 'protecting' that wallet with a long passphrase; and though I opened it several times, I waited like 4 months to get into it and when I tried, I couldn't get in. I tried and tried and tried. I eventually wrote a naive cracker that tried about 5 million attempts in little bursts over the next couple months, never successful. I was getting ready to give up when I was referred to dave. I was hopeful but far from optimistic. Within 72 hours of contacting dave; he had cracked a 50+ character password, with everything you are supposed to have: symbols, numbers, upper and lower case, words and random gibberish. He had the opportunity to steal, if he chose 57 btc from me worth at the time of writing something like ~34k usd. He didn't!
I obviously gave him the info needed; he wasn't acting blind.
Dave, you fucking rock.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
November 21, 2013, 12:26:28 AM |
what did you pay him?
This is not some pseudoeconomic post-modern Libertarian cult, it's an un-led, crowd-sourced mega startup organized around mutual self-interest where problems, whether of the theoretical or purely practical variety, are treated as temporary and, ultimately, solvable. Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
November 21, 2013, 12:26:53 AM |
sounds like a decent human being. i think i've heard of this service from multiple people. i wouldn't hesitate to use their services if i had a few BTC that i didn't have access to.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
November 21, 2013, 12:27:38 AM |
Congrats on your newly re-found bitcoin!
eof (OP)
November 21, 2013, 12:31:07 AM |
what did you pay him?
a hefty, but fair reward
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
November 21, 2013, 12:34:06 AM |
was it up front or contingent on success?
This is not some pseudoeconomic post-modern Libertarian cult, it's an un-led, crowd-sourced mega startup organized around mutual self-interest where problems, whether of the theoretical or purely practical variety, are treated as temporary and, ultimately, solvable. Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
eof (OP)
November 21, 2013, 12:41:08 AM |
was it up front or contingent on success?
contingent on success; i didn't pay anything upfront.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
November 21, 2013, 12:43:36 AM |
and how much of the passphrase were you able to give him/how much of what you gave turned out to be correct?
This is not some pseudoeconomic post-modern Libertarian cult, it's an un-led, crowd-sourced mega startup organized around mutual self-interest where problems, whether of the theoretical or purely practical variety, are treated as temporary and, ultimately, solvable. Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
eof (OP)
November 21, 2013, 12:56:05 AM |
and how much of the passphrase were you able to give him/how much of what you gave turned out to be correct?
i was very, very close. if i had used in my own cracker the basic notion of checking shift-casing the different chars i would have found it myself eventually. i gave him a lot of info; but actually most of it was "wrong" in the sense what i told him it most likely looked like was not what it actually was. i did provide him everything though, an essay on my thought process as well as the source code to the cracker i wrote; not sure if he used the ruby scripts at all though

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
November 21, 2013, 03:09:48 AM |
Have fun with your refound hundreds of btc! You were very lucky you found them again! 
November 22, 2013, 05:43:15 PM |
I'm a programmer; I got into bitcoin in early 2011; and was smart enough to keep a sizeable stash (several hundred btc). When bitcoin started really going through the roof I spent a bunch of time 'protecting' that wallet with a long passphrase; and though I opened it several times, I waited like 4 months to get into it and when I tried, I couldn't get in. I tried and tried and tried. I eventually wrote a naive cracker that tried about 5 million attempts in little bursts over the next couple months, never successful. I was getting ready to give up when I was referred to dave. I was hopeful but far from optimistic. Within 72 hours of contacting dave; he had cracked a 50+ character password, with everything you are supposed to have: symbols, numbers, upper and lower case, words and random gibberish. He had the opportunity to steal, if he chose 57 btc from me worth at the time of writing something like ~34k usd. He didn't!
I obviously gave him the info needed; he wasn't acting blind.
Dave, you fucking rock.
I am very happy to have been able to help you! Thanks for the nice write-up. I've mentioned you to Stephanie Murphy (from the show Lets Talk Bitcoin), who may be doing a segment about walletrecoveryservices.com shortly. Perhaps you will get a mention too? Regarding your ruby scripts - no, I didn't use them, except for some reference info. Cheers Dave
Providing Cryptocurrency Wallet, Password and Seed Recovery Services since 2013
November 23, 2013, 07:06:39 AM |
Have fun with your refound hundreds of btc! You were very lucky you found them again!  Try reading before posting garbage. He only had 72 BTC in there.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
November 23, 2013, 07:07:31 AM |
Have fun with your refound hundreds of btc! You were very lucky you found them again!  Try reading before posting garbage. He only had 72 BTC in there. "only" lol
This is not some pseudoeconomic post-modern Libertarian cult, it's an un-led, crowd-sourced mega startup organized around mutual self-interest where problems, whether of the theoretical or purely practical variety, are treated as temporary and, ultimately, solvable. Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
eof (OP)
November 25, 2013, 07:40:28 PM |
Regarding your ruby scripts - no, I didn't use them, except for some reference info.
Cheers Dave
I figured you would not have run them, but just looked in them for some notion of how I thought the password might have looked
eof (OP)
November 25, 2013, 07:41:41 PM |
Have fun with your refound hundreds of btc! You were very lucky you found them again!  Try reading before posting garbage. He only had 72 BTC in there. you're the one posting garbage buddy.. no one said anything about 72 btc, ever. dave unlocked my whole wallet; which indeed had several hundred btc in it. i had just sent him a single addy with unspent coins; so he never had access to the whole thing.
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1003
November 25, 2013, 07:52:20 PM |
congrats on recovering your BTC 
November 25, 2013, 09:01:31 PM |
Wow!! Man lucky for you.. Dave great work... You'll be in very demand now...