UPDATE - 11.08.2014Today we lunched the next version of Bit-keys! Complete styling overhaul, a better workflow, and
over 350 games in stock for instant delivery!
OriginalHello Bitcoin community,
we've just started our new Online-shop
http://www.bit-keys.com/ where you can purchase PC Games and Game-Time-Cards.
We have very competitive prices and we deliver with email, so you'll get your CD-Key or GTC within minutes!
Our stock contains all recent blockbuster-games like Fifa 14, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, etc. We will try to increase our stock within the next few weeks!
The first 20 orders with the following coupon code will get 10% discount!
You can signup here (
/GBKY5]http://[Suspicious link removed]/GBKY5) for our newsletter to get all new information about our shop, new items in stock, sales, etc.
All prices will be charged in Bitcoins with current exchange-rate.
your Bit-Keys-Team