MGD isn't the party beer on the west coast at least. Coors Light and Bud Light hold that crown. I wouldn't drink any of those, though. Gimme some Stone or Sam Adams!
Don't know Stone but Sam Adams doesn't rate much higher than Bud's Amberbach to me.
Really? The 30 different Sam Adams styles don't compare to one macrobrewery's attempt at a microbrew? Amber Bock? Amber Bock is pretty dang good for a macro..I've enjoyed it...but Sam Adams is better on a bad bottle than Amber Bock will ever be. /beersnob
*looks at bottle collection on his shelf*
Bridgeport Ropewalk
Bridgeport Black Strap Stout Seems both are no longer made, bummer
Deschutes Black Butte Porter
Deschutes Cinder Cone Red
Deschutes Obsidian Stout
Spanish Peaks Black Dog Ale (not a top rank but I can at least get it around here sometimes)