Hi all, we're the developers of a new Android app called Mobile Miner. It's available on the Play Store and we also have a website that you can use after you download the Android app which allows browser-based mining, so you can mine on anything from an Xbox to a Smart Fridge. We have the best payout rates - 263 satoshi per 1 million hashes and counting. Most other mining apps just pay 70-140 sat per 1 million hashes, so we truly have the best payout rate!
To provide a brief summary, we have instant payments with no minimum and coinbase integration, a better exchange rate than other miners due to ad revenue, no setup required and automatic conversion of altcoins into other currencies so you have the convenience of being paid in Bitcoins along with the profit of mining lesser-known currencies. Please read the info below though, as it provides a much better description.
The app uses an altcoin mining script (similar to Coinhive) and then automatically converts the altcoin (usually Monero) into Bitcoins with no fee. We also have ads in our app which means we can pay users some of the advertising revenue too, giving us a much higher payment rate than other apps. It is also very easy to start mining, you just enter your email associated with your supported wallet (e.g. Coinbase) and tap start. You can make a payment from as low as 1 Satoshi.
We work with Bitcoin wallet companies to provide instant, automatic, fee-free payments. Right now we are early in development and only support Coinbase, but we have plans to add support for Xapo, Luno, Freewallet and many others in the future. We also plan to allow support for payments in other cryptocurrencies such as Etherium and Litecoin with other wallet providers.
As well as all this, we have a helpful support team which you can speak to via email or through our online helpdesk, a moderated chatroom to interact with developers and other users, and more.
For more information and a link to download the Android app visit our website
http://miner.tweakly.netThanks for reading!
- Mobile Miner Dev Team
EDIT: Here's a link to see our payment proof, we've cut out the names of people to protect their privacy but you get the idea: