I'm selling 5,000,000 NXT and the price of the first 250,000 NXT is 20% cheaper than the current market price. The prices I will charge for NXT are laid out in the following Google Document and will gradually increase as my supply decreases.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvdOna5wsG2RdDZ4M2R6WHRHczVHVHdUWnRGOWo3NXc&usp=sharingThe process is very simple. All you need to do is send BTC for the amount of NXT you want to purchase to this address and include a "public note" of your NXT address. Send the BTC to this address:
Orders will be processed in the order they are received.
I recommend that you check the balance of the address so you will know how much NXT has already been bought before you make your purchase. This corresponds with the "Total Balance of Wallet <= This Value @ This Traunch" column in my spreadsheet.
https://blockchain.info/address/16bE9DcVfzYFigDcvQ8zR4xj43pSRShdouTo limit your risk to me as a counter-party for the transaction, I suggest sending no more than 0.25 BTC at a time and waiting until you have received your NXT before purchasing more.
Please post confirmation when you receive your NXT.
Excited to be involved in what is already becoming a great community!