To be more precise the error is:
fopen(http://.../): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Can you provide a link to this jsonRPC library? Also, look, it's trying to fopen something and is failing.
Thanks much for the reply. it was unable to fopen the rpc http connection then it would throw that message everytime I try to connect, but it only does when the signature supplied is invalid, in which case I'd expect it to return a FALSE or a 0 or something like that.
I put a hack into the jsonRPCClient for now where I suppress the fopen error and return a FALSE instead of a exception. This seems to have patched it for now:
if ($fp = @fopen($this->url, 'r', false, $context)) { // <<SUPPRESS ERROR HERE
$response = '';
while($row = fgets($fp)) {
$response.= trim($row)."\n";
$this->debug && $this->debug.='***** Server response *****'."\n".$response.'***** End of server response *****'."\n";
$response = json_decode($response,true);
} else {
//throw new Exception('Unable to connect to '.$this->url); // << COMMENTED OUT
return false; // << RETURN FALSE INSTEAD