CompositeCoin — an electronic platform for innovative projects
New blockchain-based solution for real economy projects
CompositeCoin launches an official bounty campaign. We invite everyone interested to join and help us grow a large and strong community.
CompositeCoin reserved 2% of the total number of tokens for Bitcointalk bounty.
Recalculation of activities and stake crediting will be performed once a week, on Mondays.
The CompositeCoin bounty campaign will begin on May, 2, 2018, until the end of the ICO, on August, 1, 2018
The bounties will be paid within 14 days after the end of the Token Sale.
CompositeCoin Bounty-campaign
Distribution of Rewards
Bitcoin Signature Campaign: - 45%
Blog/Media Campaign: - 20%
Twitter Campaign: – 12,5%
Facebook Campaign: - 12,5%
Translation Campaign: – 10%
Rewards: • 100-500 Friends: 1 stake per week.
• 500-1500 Friends: 2 stakes per week.
• 1500-3000 Friends: 4 stakes per week.
• 3000+ Friends: 6 stakes per week.
How to join: • Follow and like our Facebook page: • Like and share every post on our Facebook, minimum 5 per week
• In addition, the participant must post at least one of his or her own message a week, using the following hashtags:
#CompositeCoin #CMN #ICO #Crowdsale #Bitcoin #Blockchain #Token #ETH #Ethereum #TokenSale • To receive a reward, each member of the Facebook bounty campaign must post weekly reports in this tread. If a participant fails to post a report,
no reward will be granted.
Report form:Facebook account link:
Post 1:
Repost 1:
Repost 2:
Repost 3:
Repost 4:
Repost 5:
Rules: • Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed.
• You must have over 100 real friends
• Facebook account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
Rewards: • 250+ followers : 1 stake/week
• 750+ followers : 2 stakes/ week
• 1500+ followers : 5 stakes/ week
• 10.000+ followers: 10 stakes/ week
How to join: • Follow us here : • In addition, the participant must post at least one of his or her own tweet a week, using the following hashtags:
#CompositeCoin #CMN #ICO #Crowdsale #Bitcoin #Blockchain #Token #ETH #Ethereum #TokenSale • Like and share every post, minimum 5 per week.
• To receive a reward, each member of the Twitter bounty campaign must post weekly reports indicating tweets and retweets in this tread. If a
participant fails to post a report, no reward will be granted.
Report form:Twitter account link:
Twit 1:
Retwit 1:
Retwit 2:
Retwit 3:
Retwit 4:
Retwit 5:
Rules: • Twitter audit must be equal to or better than 85%
• Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed.
• Twitter account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
• Maximum 1 retweet per day
Write an article about CompositeCoin on your blog or other site or create a quality video presentation about CompositeCoin.
Rewards: • Good quality: 100 Stakes
• Medium quality: 70 Stakes
• Normal quality: 40 Stakes
To receive a reward, each member of the bounty campaign must post report in this tread. If a participant fails to post a report, no reward will be granted.
Report form:type (article, video):
media link:
• Low-quality articles and videos will not be accepted.
• Article must be genuine. You can use official images, logos, graphics posted on the website, ANN thread, Facebook, and Twitter.
• Video must be at least 2 minutes long, shorter videos will not be accepted.
• Video description must have a link to the official website: and a link to the whitepaper: • To proof your ownership your Bitcointalk profile must be added in video description.
• Articles must be longer than 500 words, fewer than 500 words will not be accepted.
• Article must have a link to the official website: and a link to the whitepaper: • Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and other general/free blogging platforms are allowed but only one post will be accepted on those platforms per user.
• To proof your ownership of the blog you must add your bitcointalk profile link to your blog posts footer.
Rewards: • Translation of ANN thread+Bounty Thread: 150 Stakes.
• Moderation/Management: 5 Stakes per Valid Post.
• Whitepaper: 200 Stakes
• Website: 200 Stakes
How to Join:
• Get approval for your reservation, I will PM all eligible participants
• After being accepted and completing the translation, post in this thread with a link to the translated thread
Rules: • Translators must update his/her thread at least 3 post per week (You can translate devs post in ANN thread or Social Media Account)
• Spam post will not be counted
• All languages are accepted!
Reserved languages:English - Default
Russian - Default
Chinese - Default
Indonesian - ANN+Bounty, WEB, WP - dimox
Romanian - ANN+Bounty, WEB - SergiuHD
Hindi - ANN+Bounty, WEB, WP - luv2709
Filipino - ANN+Bounty, WEB, WP - uztre29
Rewards: • Jr Member: 8 Stakes/Weeks
• Member: 15 Stakes/Weeks
• Full Member: 30 Stakes/Week
• Sr Member: 45 Stakes/Week
• Hero and Legendary: 60 Stakes/Week
• Wearing our Official Avatar: 10 Stakes/Weeks.
• The Signature should be kept until the end of the ICO
• Only Posts that are useful and constructive will be eligible
• A post must have a minimum length of 75 characters to be counted
• Minimum 10 posts per week
• Negative trust members are not allowed to join this campaign.
• Weekly posts will be counted until Sunday 23:59 forum time.
• Don't make 10 posts in single day.
Signatures:Jr. Member[center][url=]█≣≣≣ COMPOSITE COIN ≣≣≣█
Platform for innovative projects
Presale is LIVE[/url][/center]
Member[center][font=Century Gothic][b][url=][u]█≣≣≣ [/u] | COMPOSITE COIN - Platform for innovative projects | [u] ≣≣≣█[/u][/url]
[url=]▰▰▰Facebook[/url] [url=]▰▰▰ Twitter▰▰▰[/url] [url=]Telegram▰▰▰[/url]
[url=]ANN THREAD[/url] [url=]● Bounty ●[/url] [url=]WHITEPAPER[/url][/center]
Full Member[center][font=Century Gothic][b][url=][u][color=#0000FF]█≣≣≣[/color] [/u] [color=#004183]|[/color] [color=#0000FF]COMPOSITE COIN - Platform for innovative projects[/color] [color=#004183]|[/color] [u] [color=#0000FF]≣≣≣█[/color][/u][/url]
[url=][color=#00BFFF]▰▰▰[/color] [color=#004183]Facebook[/url] [url=][color=#00BFFF]▰▰▰[/color] [color=#004183]Twitter[/color] [color=#00BFFF]▰▰▰[/color][/url] [url=][color=#004183]Telegram[/color][color=#00BFFF]▰▰▰[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#01678f][color=red]ANN THREAD[/color][/url] [url=][color=#06414c]●[/color] [color=#01678f] [color=red]Bounty[/color][/color] [color=#06414c]●[/color][/url] [url=][color=#01678f] [color=red]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url][/center]
Sr Member █████████████████ ████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████ ███████████████████``███████████ ██████████████████````████████████ ███████████████████````█████████████ ███████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ███████████████████````██████████████ ███████████████████````█████████████ ██████████████████````████████████ ██████████████████`n`███████████ ██████████████████`██████████ ██████████████████████████ █████████████████████ ██████████████████ | | | | | |
██████████████████ [/td]
[td][center][font=arial][url=][size=20pt][b][color=#00BFFF] [b]COMPOSITE COIN[/b] [/color][/url]
[td][center][b][font=Cambria][url=][size=20pt][color=#000000] Platform for innovative projects [/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial black][size=8pt][color=#40E0D0] ◆ [url=][color=#000000] Whitepaper[/url] ◆ [url=][color=#000000]Ann Thead[/url] ◆ [url=][color=#000000]BOUNTY[/url] [/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td]
[td][font=Tahoma][size=21pt][b][color=#000000][size=8pt][url=][color=#000000]◆ Facebook[/url]
[url=][color=#000000]◆Twitter [/url]
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Hero & Legendary █████████████████ ████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████ ███████████████████``███████████ ██████████████████````████████████ ███████████████████````█████████████ ███████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ████████████████████````██████████████ ███████████████████````██████████████ ███████████████████````█████████████ ██████████████████````████████████ ██████████████████`n`███████████ ██████████████████`██████████ ██████████████████████████ █████████████████████ ██████████████████ | | | | | |
██████████████████[/td][td][center][font=arial][url=][size=20pt][b][color=#000000][glow=#40E0D0,1] [b]COMPOSITE COIN[/b] [/color][/url][color=transparent][size=2pt].[/color][/center][/td][td][center][font=arial][size=20pt][color=#000]|[/color][/size][/font][/center][/td]
[td][center][b][font=Cambria][url=][size=20pt][glow=#000000,2,300][color=#FFF] Platform for innovative projects [/glow][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial black][size=8pt][color=#40E0D0] ◆ [url=][color=#000000] Whitepaper[/url] ◆ [url=][color=#000000]Ann Thead[/url] ◆ [url=][color=#000000]BOUNTY[/url] [/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td]
[td][font=Tahoma][size=21pt][b][color=#000000][size=10pt][url=][color=#000000]◆ Facebook[/url]
[url=][color=#000000]◆Twitter [/url] [url=]
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