November 27, 2013, 04:46:07 AM |
First a brief background. I'm based in Asia and have built and sold several successful businesses and have been in financial service industry over the past 20 years here. I have been watching BTC for over a year now, and believe now is the time to look at building businesses based around the bitcoin economy.
One concept myself and some friends in the financial industry have kicked around is starting a BTC based fund. Although we would raise capital (in USD) from our existing investor network, we are thinking of denominating the fund in BTC not USD. The primary activities would be acquisition of cash producing assets that we could introduce payment for in BTC and convert those cash flows to BTC flows over time. I went to my usual law firm asking how this could be structured and the best domicile for such a fund. I am now waiting for them to come back with answers after research.
Has anyone actually structured a fund denominated in BTC? Which domiciles are most entrepreneurs using for BTC based businesses? Any advise would be appreciated.