is a link to fetch the current fiat value of 1 qrk.
The prices are calculated by using the last trading price of for qrk/btc followed up with the last average btc/fiat from
Data is updated every 15 minutes currently
Sample data
"AUD": 0.247255463,
"BRL": 0.618907471,
"CAD": 0.200290944,
"CNY": 1.2949630890000001,
"CZK": 4.850480243,
"EUR": 0.158573359,
"GBP": 0.14412587,
"ILS": 0.65926,
"JPY": 22.4924,
"NOK": 1.224718936,
"NZD": 0.23463257299999998,
"PLN": 0.662626104,
"RUB": 6.524465479,
"SEK": 1.447713631,
"SGD": 0.27146,
"USD": 0.2066974,
"ZAR": 2.376401559,
"timestamp": "Sun, 01 Dec 2013 07:47:30 -0000"