I would not recommend using nicehash to mine altcoins. If you're already doing it stop while you can.
They have high withdrawal fees and you'll basically just mine for them. Use a proper poll, wallet and mine directly to it using mining software you can find here.
I've been having a very good experience using nicehash to mine alternative and switching algorithms while receiving
BTC. Saves me a lot of hassle figuring out which exchanges accept the altcoins and then creating a verified account (hoping they will accept residents of my locale). How badly am I being screwed over by them? Their withdrawal fees seem pretty reasonable in comparison to other pools and programs, unless I am being naive. I have a few ASICs, a few 1080TIs and other GPUs running on NiceHash and getting exactly the hashrate I'd expect. I don't have any evidence of foul-play, but I would like to get the most out of my equipment. What is an alternative that will allow me this much convenience or is there an alternative that costs convenience in a worthwhile manner?