Yeah, buy at 6.00 just to see it go down to 5.50 a few hours later.
I'll buy when I see the price stable (not changing more then 10% a day) for a week or two. From there it should go up.
What foolish seems you fancy yourself a mystic. Do you see the future in dreams, or does it come to you in flashes when you touch objects? Is it spirits that tell you what happens next? Are you in fact the second incarnation of Christ, coming to bring forth the BitRapture and cast the spawn of evil into the fiery depths of hell?
Historically, the price has never been stable for a week or two, and when does come to pass, it indicates nothing of future events. If I had faith in the security of any of these exchanges, I would be buying up a storm right now. Instead, I will watch my mining proceeds trickle in and cross my fingers that this difficulty drop does in fact happen.