It doesn't work like that. Things are only worth what people are prepared to pay. Companies can choose the value of Porsche, fuel and games consoles, but if they try sell them at ridiculous, unaffordable prices; people wont pay it. If we all agreed that we're not going to pay for fuel at it's current prices; guess what: the companies would have to lower the price of it. Supply and demand.
lol oh you and others are just proving my very first line
when i see people say, when someone wants something, they assign a value to it and that becomes the price.. WHAT A LOAD OF B.S
that is high school level minded answers... please ditch your ABC books and your maths for dummys books and get into the real world..
no company would sell anything at a loss... meaning below production price... get this through to the reality center of your minds people.
put it this way.
the prices are set, basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
let me repeat it 5 times for you all
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
ok give it time to settle in and then ill explain.
imagine a porsche
COST to produce $50k, to get it to the showroom $2k and to add on just 5% commission for the sales guy
totalling $54.6k this us the nearest to TRUE value. and in most cases customers would finds this acceptable,
the show room would NEVER sell for less then $52k. yet if the commission was 40% totalling $70k then this is speculated, pure profit, extortionate, and people will only pay this if demand was soo high that they have no other choice but pay it.
the supply and demand for this porsche would be a price volatility between $52k $70k... NOT $1-$70k no one would in any sane way sell for less then cost price...
so true value is cost price and market value is a little ontop for personal profit. afterall if no one is making any profit, no one can make a living..
so now read my words again and put them into the scenario i just wrote.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
basically the cost of production and wages/profit margin added.
bitcoins are not magically produced for free.. think about miners costs...
now then if a bitcoin price suddenly rises and you cannot see a mining cost reason (difficulty jump/ hashrate jump) then its simply a rise in price caused by speculated, pure profit, extortionate.
and finally again explaining.. in the last few months difficulty, hashrate and mining equipment costs have risen. so yes the sudden rise of bitcoin price on the market is expected and is based MORE SO on extra costs, rather then a ramp & dump.
if you think this is not true then try this.
make a loaf of bread knowing that it will take you 1 hour of your time and your only source of income. you have to pay yourself minimum wage, plus the cost of the ingredients.
now i offer you $3 for that loaf, which is more expensive than going to a shop. but i feel the extra 50c (20%) is worth it for the 'personal touch'.
would you accept my offer, which is a fair market you would not..
if however you were making 100 loaves a hour and after adding labour and ingredients together the price of production came below $3. then of course you will accept my offer.
its all about price of production as the MAIN consideration.... the inexplicable ramps and dumps are the speculation/profiteering part.
now i hope to leave you all with those thoughts and now have an active eye on the graph patterns of difficulty/hashrate in future to see if a ramp/dump is justified or not.