Ways to report to impressio.io in UK:
Company number 11080147
If you suspect fraudulent activity, report the details to Action Fraud - 0300 123 2040
Complain to The Insolvency Service
The Insolvency Service can investigate limited companies when they receive information that suggests serious corporate abuse. Corporate abuse might include:
causing significant harm to customers
breaking the law (such as fraud)
serious misconduct (such as company assets have not been used properly)
significant irregularity in a company’s affairs
The Insolvency Service online complaint form:
http://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/complaintformcib.htmTelephone: 0300 678 0017
(24-hour answerphone to ask for a form)
You can also complain in writing.
Intelligence Hub
Investigations and Enforcement Services
Insolvency Service
3rd Floor Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD
For further help, visit
Citizen's Advice -
Cifas [UK fraud prevention service] -