It's a webapp with a bit of code that appears to manage the block chain.
It's a Java servlet that runs in a servlet container
What is the P2P protocol used? What is on the payload?
JSON over HTTP with custom protocol. Set "communicationLoggingMask" to "7" in nxt/webapps/root/WEB-INF/web.xml to see all the payload.
How are peers discovered?
Each node has a set of well-known peers (listed in web.xml and easily changed by a user). Upon a launch a node connects to these peers and gets other peers via "getPeers" request.
Are people actually investing real money on this prototype?
Yes, but this is not a prototype.
Too many open questions.
Feel free to ask all of them.
Well, lucky for the folks who invested 21 BTC to own all of the coin!
This is impossible to launch a
secure 100% PoS currency without distribution of all coins at once.
Code like bitcoinj (written in java) doesn't even cover wallets and mining and its like 20 times bigger than the code we find here for NXT.
Coz bitcoinj is an application, in Nxt most of the work is done by the container (Jetty)
Is this a complete joke?
No. This is an innovative cryptoplatform where payment transactions is just 1% of all the features.
I don't see any specialized libraries for networking (i.e. Protobuf etc).
Coz most of the work is done by the container (Jetty) and Java Virtual Machine.