, My name is Geoff and I'm excited to announce - a service I have developed with my colleague Alex, allowing users to freely store all their Bitcoin and Altcoin addresses in one place, for convenience and ease of access.
The website is simple in functionality, just register a URL and post all your Bitcoin/Altcoin addresses there. Send someone to your URL and they will be able to view all of your Cryptocurrency addresses, as well as a description and the currency it refers to.
Here's my own URL to demonstrate the functionality/ user page:
DevelopmentWe're currently actively developing - consider it in open beta - expect some awesome new features over the coming weeks.
If you find any bugs etc, please let me know in this thread and I will see to them as quickly as possible.
Also would love to hear any suggestions or comments you have about the website/service, again just post them here and I'll be happy to discuss it.