CoinJolt is a managed cryptocurrency portfolio fund generating investors a projected minimum of 200% returns. Also as an available trading platform where users can buy and sell digital currency like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Etherium along with other cryptocurrencies.
The platform is available to everyone so that anyone can utilize the same resources as our investors, simply by creating an account.
Features Included:
- Users have access to market data, research tools, latest news, historical data graphs and behavioral trends.
- Current prices on a variety of tradable assets.
- The ability to trade the majority of capitalized digital currency.
- Connected to almost every major exchange, you’re able to buy at the lowest and sell at the highest prices across the majority of tradable cryptocurrency. This pricing feature is one of the reasons why CoinJolt is the most popular platforms for traders. Combined with 0% transactional fees and instant transaction executions, our users are able to generate higher returns here, more so than anywhere else.
Managed Investment Portfolio Criteria:
- Proprietary technology with measurable intrinsic and market value.
- Plausible cause for innovation in a sector with a foreseeable future.
- Reputable company(s) backed by qualified experience.
- Solid infrastructure and corporate standing.
- Conservatively diversified portfolio in the highest capitalized markets.
Structure For Investing With a Projected Minimum Of 200% Returns:
- Active trades in volatile markets.
- Primarily focused on high capitalized markets ($10B): Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
- Reputable companies with a proven track record of corporate success and technological experience.
- Proprietary blockchain technology with intrinsic value in opportunistic sectors with a foreseeable future.
- Innovative solutions to intrinsic problems or outdated technology.
By using their site you understand that cryptocurrency or digital currency is a new asset class and can be highly volatile. As an investor, trader or general user of our site there are no guarantees for returns. There is even risk of loss.