The unending supply of fools who want to comment on a technology without actually investigating it at all is clearly going to be the most exhausting thing about Bitcoin making it big. It's not even people that don't understand, it's people who aggressively do not wish to understand, while spouting crazy nonsense. These people deserve their fiat system.
I agree with you totaly, but what can you tell us about this issue in the video? can you explain your point of view and how this will not affect in the future the BTC?
This is one of many things which has been discussed extensively (I bet there are over a hundred forum topics just here, in the last year or two), and will probably continue to be asked because as much as we'd like newcomers to be tech-literate and patient and do a lot of reading... well, that's just not 99% of the population.
But my style remains to refer you to the resources -- simply because I cannot do anything in a forum post other than insisting it isn't a problem, without writing something that rivals the length of the previous discussions and studies anyway. But I'll tell you one thing:
It was discussed briefly in the bloody whitepaper itself before Bitcoin was even a released thing. The assertion that this is the dirty secret of Bitcoin is patently absurd.
Anyway, There's no secret that you can find to go "aaaahhh, so the hundreds of engineers and thousands of technically-minded enthusiasts for the last 4 1/2 years
weren't all bonkers after all!" You just have to either read and understand, or believe in those who have.
I like this response by David Schwartz (to the question of whether we'll just get to the point where the sheer size of the blockchain ends the Great Bitcoin Experiment):
"No. If a car is heading North on a highway that ends in five miles, will it run off the end of the road? Of course not.
A car going North on a highway now will not go North on a highway forever. The driver will turn the steering wheel before it runs off the end.
To get a "yes" answer, you have to assume the car has no driver. But then you're asking a question about an absurd hypothetical where a car speeds down a highway with no driver."