So I am toying around with Mt Gox doing some playtrading since I can't seem to actually get their customer service to ever process my AML verification so I can move my money out of that dump*.
More than 10 times in the past few days I have observed Mt.Gox posting a "Last" transaction value that was well over ask prices, or under Bid prices I have set on booked orders.
I thought it was just a fluke for a while, but I am starting to wonder if there must be a better explanation.
To make sure this is not my imagination I booked two small orders and gave them a minute to be fully processed and posted 'open,' and then watched the last trade price ticker fluctuate down toward their prices.
Just as I am expecting to see the orders filled, suddenly a "last" transaction is shown well below my bid prices, and my orders stayed unfilled:
the "last" price would then bounce up above my bid prices again. Is someone actually buying well below market price and if so, how?
* fiat friction is a serious problem with Mt Gox, and I suspect it plays a major role in Gox's high exchange rates, and by extension to Bitcoin's valuation in general due to Gox's size and influence in the market.