I am trying to follow through the steps in the link below to find the average generation time.
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Generation_Calculator - Get the current target.
- Divide by 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935, which is the maximum value of a 256-bit number. You now have the probability of a single hash solving a block.
- Take the reciprocal of the probability to get the average number of hashes to solve a block.
- Divide the average number of hashes by your hash/s (not khash/s) to get the average number of seconds required to solve a block.
So the current
target is given here,
http://blockexplorer.com/q/hextarget, in hexadecimal format. Converted to base ten it is
If you use this number in the calculation above it comes out to be right, if you use the
difficulty you get a number that is hugely off.
Why is this not the same value are the one reported in mining software, such as CGMiner, it reports 707M. All websites also list it as 707M and not the number above.
Is there a way to go from 707408283 (Bitcoin difficulty) to 38110290672195532365762668664552282566878756832852091863040 (Bitcoin target)? Are those the proper names for the two?