EDITORIAL: Don't Count on Bitcoin for Safe Haven in Recessionary Economy
Jason Mick
Cybercurrency is intriguing premise, but has seen a flurry of recent devaluationI've recently heard a couple of advertisements on satellite radio suggesting, of all things, that customers dive into bitcoins as a "stable" investment in the midst of the troubled U.S. economy. In the midst of a seemingly impending recession, some might be tempted to try such a scheme. Let's be perfectly clear -- while bitcoins are a worthy pursuit to dabble in, considering them as a place to put your nest egg is a pretty poor decision.
I. Bitcoins are in a Recession ThemselvesWhen you combine the aspects that bitcoins are tied to the fate of the U.S. economy and that they've been on a downward plunge even sharper than the U.S. economy, the outlook is not pretty for bitcoins as a serious investment bid. Even amid the stock market's huge losses (with today's $300+ USD decline, the New York Stock Exchange is at its lowest level since December 2010), bitcoins are still not a solid alternative to guaranteed securities like treasury bonds, or a diverse portfolio.
Treasury bonds are a far better investment that bitcoins in recessionary climates. (Source: Mint.com)II. Bitcoin Mining is in the Midst of a CorrectionWith difficulty soaring, it's now impossible for most video cards to break even. The fastest graphics cards by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) still stand a chance to break even, but they require more than a year of work.
III. The Big PictureFans of bitcoin may react negatively to this analysis, but it's hard to argue the hard facts. Bitcoin is a terrific concept, and one worth supporting. But when it comes to your money, an investment in bitcoins today, is essentially throwing away a chunk of your money, or perhaps breaking even in the case of mining (given hardware depreciation).
So as the U.S. faces a potential "double dip" recession, consider building a diverse portfolio of bonds, commodities, and stock from highly stable companies (GOOG, AAPL, IBM, etc.) as a way to guard your assets -- and avoid the bitcoins.
The above is not the full article, just the main points, read it in full at
http://www.dailytech.com/EDITORIAL+Dont+Count+on+Bitcoin+for+Safe+Haven+in+Recessionary+Economy/article22385.htm and reply there too if you want to discuss with the writer.
Cited sources for this piece include, Mint.com, How Stuff Works, and The Bitcoin Forums lol.