HOLTZ-EAKIN: Bitcoin? Bitcoin.
REINHART: Bitcoin, yes.
Doesn't sound so bullish to me
if you read through the entire text, or at least skim - you'll see there is (LAUGHTER) after every other question...all that means to me is the discussion was somewhat informal. only at the end of the discussion do you see them mention that it was (ON THE RECORD)
This sounds more like a joke about this stupid little "bitcoin" thing to me.
MURRAY: We're going to take one more question. Before we do that, I just want to remind everyone, if I didn't say it at the outset, that this has been an on-the-record session. And that's true, except for the things we didn't mean to say.
Just keep that in mind and be gentle. And go ahead, last question.
idk maybe they are joking the entire time? im not dismissing you just trying to figure the context out myself.