Bitcoin has the maximum transfer rate of 7 per second. 7TPS (transfer per second) is the slowest transaction in all cryptocurrencies. The speed of second-generation cryptocurrencies is generally around 20-100, such as NEO and Ethereum. The third generation is usually up to 100-1000 TPS. Nano claims to be 7000 TPS times on Test Net. EOS claims to achieve a million-level trading speed.
Nowadays, everybody seems to be concerned about transaction speed (in other words,
Forgive me, but I don't see a problem related to transaction speed anywhere. Does Nano, at the moment, have to process 7000 transactions per second? Nope.
Does EOS have a congested network? Nope. It doesn't even have a network currently, only a test network.
So why do we have to solve a future problem that isn't likely to appear any time soon?
To paraphrase Andreas Antonopoulos, in order to be able to scale you have to have a scaling problem first.
It is as if during the Dial-up internet people were trying to make the network support live streaming. It would have been impossible.
Only when the time comes, we should be focused on solving the scaling problem. Not ahead of time.