If your planning on trading your value by the hour, buy at anytime and only sell higher. If you buying to sit on it, it won't matter when you buy because the gains you experience will negate any savings you may have had trying to save a quick buck. When it breaks 1,000.. its going up up and away.. so perhaps wait for that. Or just do some more research in the meantime.
Your right, it really doesnt matter when I get in. I did a lot of research today and am now in for the long haul.
It seems every trader has to go through this to learn. You can talk about it all day but nothing like actually playing the game while the price is diving and the LA Times is messing with your head with stupid articles.
No selling, only buying from now on.
I am simply heartbroken when I hear stories about people that didn't hit their target, and were too stubborn to change their target.
For example: Recently I bought some bitcoin at 900 and was able to ignore my ego and overcome my pride in order to sell at 850, when that last crash happened. Sure, I would have been fine to just hold on at 900, but I would have missed out on the extra bitcoin from being able to buy back at prices below 700 (lowest order that filled was at 575)
What I'm trying to say is that if you feel that you should adjust your position, don't be stubborn and refuse to take a loss. Similarly, when things are going well, don't be too stubborn to take a little profit off the top.