I have setup a Quarkcoins (QRK) P2Pool, it's running stable after a week of testing, reinstalled a fresh server with a stable configuration.
It's running on a server with 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5440 @ 2.83GHz Quad Core CPU's, 32GByte DDR2 FB ECC RAM, RAID 10.
Low latency!URL: http://qrk.cryptomine.eu:8372Stats: http://qrk.cryptomine.eu:8372/static/Payment is based on "Pay per last N shares" (PPLNS).
Use your QRK wallet address as username, password can be anything.
minerd example (depends on your CPU minerd64_avx/sse2/sse3/sse4.exe):minerd64_sse4.exe -a quark -o
http://qrk.cryptomine.eu:8372 -u address -p password
Windows 64bit Quarkcoin CPU minerd download (64bit):https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9cvOfoOekSdVzZZcThLZHg4bjA/edit?pli=1Or build Quarkcoin CPU minerd from source:https://github.com/Neisklar/quarkcoin-cpuminerNo fee!Questions/Suggestions can be asked here or by sending me a PM or an email.