All I wanted was 5 usb miners and a 5 usb port and MAAAYBEE a rasberry pi , so that I could put them in a box burry it in a desert and never think of them ever again and in 5 years I would go 'wooow I had all these and suddenly I am rich' , I know it sounds weird but that happened to many bitcoiners
That kinda happened to me as well but in the reverse order , I spent a lot of coins on useless stuff back in the day than when I learnt these things costs 1000$ now I went 'omg I spent 6000$ on couple of promotional papers.
All kidding aside , where can I get 5 usb miners , a usb port for all 5 of them it would be a great + if I could get a rasberry pi , but I think that goes above my pay , I want a place that I can trust my eyes closed and it won't be too expensive. Bare needs are the usb miners, the others could wait .
TL;DR : Cheapest and most trusthworty place to buy usb miners.