...from Infra-red to Ultra-violet
Hi! I'm
Laco Vencel, I'm the owner and CEO of the company Lanast Co.,
I am the Smart City Enterprise founder, investor and head since May, 2014.
The Smart City Enterprise Project is an Enterprise Sales, Integration & Consultancy Business Network,
running based on the Unique Expression of Smart Technologies. It serves by introducing an Innovative
Approach to a cities infrastructure development and promotes Blockchain Transaction Principles between
stakeholders of Industrial Project's smart Tendering, Contracting and Delivery.
Token's value is initially in profit share. 49% of net profit will be paid in form of Dividend.
12 months after Crowd-sale end token will be distributed on Exchange.
Based of regulation direction token will be either formalised by regulated digital certification,
or, if a regulation does not accept crypto-market principles,
token will be formalised by physical shares certification by standard market (EU law).
By the certification, token will be converted to an Equity.
The voting rights will be applied to the company development strategical and tactical decisions.
After establishment of sales operations, CITY token will be used as Payment method
between contracting client-client solutions and as payment method for buying the Smart City Enterprise services.
CITY token sale, internally known as "Sick Mind Invented Hybrid Crowd-sale" has two phases:
The first phase is the “Auction”, the second phase is the “Fixed Price Sale”.
The Auction phase is a Second-Price Dutch Auction with specific conditions described on the web-page.
The Fixed Price Sale phase is a standard capped token-sale.
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