Hmm, not sure why anyone would want to buy your units other than I guess local pickup?
There will be another batch announced soon.
If a new batch would be announced in 3 days from now then add another 2 -3 days before they ship and another 2 days or more to arrive. Risk of possibly getting stuck in customs for many more days and paying import tax.
Unless the next bitmain is beeing sold a severe discount which is unlikely ( same price since 1 month except 0.05 discount for previous buyers )
This is a much better deal then waiting for the new batch.
You all know that sushi and i opened the 3rd group buy for antminer s1? Just saying... And 4.3 wont make you and roi since difficulty increases almost every 2 weeks or more frequently...
4.3 will not be able to profit but 4.25 will? Shipping time saved alone will make up for the 0.05 added cost.