https://i.imgur.com/YgvXm.jpgI'm glad that so many of you have embraced my game, but I have to agree with geek-trader about fees. There was a decision to leave the game pretty wide open so that hosts could have a lot of control on fee schedules, and I've seen traffic increase at a predictable rate since we launched. If you want people to play in your Bitcoinduit game, you'll need to be fair on fees, and it's a good idea to market your game to your friends, otherwise you'll very likely be part of the noise rather than the chosen signal.
Thanks for the props on Bitcoinduit. I came up with the site idea after seeing all the shady but still successful spreadsheet games, and I figured that if I could come up with an automation solution, that those hosts would likely ditch their string and duct tape to host games using automation that would let them sleep sometimes without being accused of not paying out, or not paying out fast enough. Once that was decided, it was further decided that with some controls, we could also do immediate payouts without any confirmations, which definitely adds to the game speed. We made sure to calculate total liabilities for the wallet that powers bitcoinduit, and we keep it only as full as it needs to be for coming payouts. We did this to ensure that if there was a double spend, that the losses would be insignificant, and after two weeks we still have yet to see a double spend.
So to summarize: Bitcoinduit can be an awesome way to host your games if you don't charge high fees and you have friends or the ability to market your games.