I am currently working with mtgox api v1 to integrate into my client site but the IPN system is not working. It is not being called by the system when i cancel orders.
The orders are created successfully and payment url works as well but i am experiencing problem with ipn at Mtgox
Here is the code what i post to url
$requestData = array(
'amount' => $order->order_total,
'currency' => $currency,
'description' => $this->settings['pay_desc'],
'data' => $order_id,
'return_success' => add_query_arg( 'utm_nooverride', '1', $this->get_return_url( $order ) ),
'return_failure' => $order->get_cancel_order_url(),
'ipn' => $notificationURL,
'autosell' => ($this->settings['autosell'] == 'yes') ? 1 : 0,
'email' => ($this->settings['autoemail']== 'yes') ? 1 : 0,
'instant_only' => ($this->settings['instant_only']== 'yes') ? 1 : 0,
The results are like below
When I cancel order the return url works as well but the ipn doesn't work.
Any thing i am missing here ?
Plz help me as i have mailed mtgox as well but no response from any of their email id. I even messaged it on their facebook page but this these guys are like statues (no response at all)