Hi All,
The Memory Coin Binary has been updated, see instructions below to update miner!!!So the new memory coin 2.0 has justed launch. The difficulty and return is slowly ramping up so there is time to build up your mining power
Its a cpu only coin that uses AES for it proof of work so processors supporting harware AES functions are significantly faster.
We need to find cloud hosting companies that support AES-ni for a large increase in hashing power:
run this "grep aes /proc/cpuinfo" in your virtual host to see if your cloud host supports hardware AES!You can run the miner application on any cloud platform! We'll take digital ocean as an example! I had some servers running xpm mining, so let switch them after the xpm diff increases.
So lets set up a memorycoin miner in the cloud:
Register with Digital Ocean if you did not do so already:
https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=8f5c9f7a1fe9You can try these for free credits: HOLIDAYSSD or DIVEIN10
Next, create a droplet with at least 1 gig ram, i chose 2 cpu with 2 gigs of ram.
Pick a name, location and the latest ubuntu linux as OS.
Next you get an email with the ssh link, so use putty or SSH to get into your new virtual server!
After login type:
cd ~
apt-get update && apt-get install -y git make g++ build-essential libminiupnpc-dev libdb++-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev dos2unix libboost-all-dev
git clone https://github.com/memorycoin/memorycoin && cd memorycoin/src && make -f makefile.unix
Ok that should take a while, and finish with no errors.
Next up, the config:
[FILL IN A PASSWORD HERE] = fill in a good password like igoingtostartminingmemorycoinyay
cd ~
mkdir -p .memorycoin
echo 'rpcuser=memorycoinrpc
gen=1' > .memorycoin/memorycoin.conf
Then just start the daemon and watch it go!
cd memorycoin/src && ./bitcoind --daemon && watch './bitcoind getinfo && ./bitcoind getmininginfo'
Give it some time to connect to the network, it took my servers around 10 minutes.
Its normal if the getmininginfo shows a message or 0.000000 for some 10 minutes!
good luck!
=> So what to do when you mine a block? First of congratulations!
Transfer the funds by typing:
./bitcoind sendtoaddress <memorycoinaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]
where memorycoinaddress is your desktop memorry coin wallet adress
or copy the wallet.dat over to your pc using ftp or email from cd ~ && cd .memorycoin and import it into the desktop client!
Some tips:
=> use screen -S mmc and screen -r if you open and close ssh sessions often
=> transfer out funds by commandline transfer or copying the wallet.dat
=> apply encryption if you dont feel that the server is secure!
=> check out
www.MemoryCoin.info for more info about this new coin!
=> don't forget to support your dev's!
edit: im getting around 0.15 hashes per min for a 2 cpu, as digital ocean does not seem to support AES hardware accell, but i got a lot of them running, burning of some saved up credits
edit2: searching for a cloud comp that has the aes support, ill keep you updated!
edit3: so one of my server has hit a block, so it works!
edit 4: update miner:- Transfer all coins you have!!
- Reboot server from Digital Ocean panel.
- type:
cd ~
rm -rf memorycoin
git clone
https://github.com/memorycoin/memorycoin && cd memorycoin/src && make -f makefile.unix
./bitcoind --daemon && watch './bitcoind getinfo && ./bitcoind getmininginfo'