Searched sent to address: site indicates 0 received 0 transactions
Does that mean the coin was never sent?
bitcoin was sent from my laptop bitcoin wallet to my new desktop multibit wallet.
laptop wallet indicates coin was sent, and I now have zero balance.
Double checked address it seems to be correct.
Taking things off my laptop bitcoin wallet because day 121 error in updating wallet Exception 11Dbexception db not enough space
Did the coin get stuck in limbo because wallet will not sync (121 days behind)?
Is that the direction I should pursue?
I am now trying to download latest edition of bitcoin qt and see what that will do for me. 255 weeks behind on this one great!
tap. tap. tap. 114 weeks behind now. Not bad I guess.
If anyone has advise please feel free to chime in.
The blockchain is the most accurate place to check and if it doesn't appear there then it hasb't been sent. Perhaps sent to a false address? And have you tried re-opening the computer wallet.