There's no need for a stratum proxy, cudaminer supports stratum out of the box.
I take it you are actually using an nVidia card given you are running cudaminer? (stupid question I know but meh, this is Newbies!)
I thought weminltc's global server is global.wemineltc.... rather than world.wemineltc.... at least that is what I was mining on successfully until a week or so ago.
I'm running on linux but the cudaminer flags are the same regardless, here's what I was using:
cudaminer -d 0 -C 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp:// -O <USER>:<PASS>
or if running a desktop on the same video card (to prevent dektop tardiness):
cudaminer -d 0 -C 0 -i 1 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp:// -O <USER>:<PASS>
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this as a newbie to the board, but I rapidly moved on from wemineltc to ( - it's a pool that shifts regularly to the most profitable scrypt coin and automatically trades that for BTC and pays out solely in BTC. It's proved more profitable (in the short time I've been mining there) than mining LTC only and the minimum payout threshold is lower. Your mileage may vary and all such other caveats apply of course - this is my anecdotal 2p / 2c worth only.
p.s. scrypt mining on an nVidia card is not going to actually be profitable if you pay for your own electricity or you expect a massive jump in crypto-currency to fiat valuations
edit to add - middlecoin has its own news thread running on here today was good day, as far as I can tell thanks to DOGE