Read before you post.
You don't so why should he?
Ever looked in the Bitcoin Technical Support section and noticed a brand new user with an issue with bitcoin core that they have newly installed?
What do you want those users to do, earn the right to post here so that they can get help with their issue a few weeks after getting it - that's just stupid right? It leads to two potential issues: (1) loss of funds, (2) giving up on Bitcoin altogether - or both. We DONT need this, we want to be supportive of newbies that WANT to LEARN and should give them a facility to do so.
And if you say, let's just open up that board only, then all of the spam from the other threads will be directed there. I would say maybe limiting them to the bitcoin parts of the forum would be very nice (for making new posts and new threads) but then you might also have to include local boards. And then altcoin boards will also pop up and users will get scammed by accidentally installing viruses because they can't generate discussion of something before they install it and their wallet.dats get stolen.
Our mods are very active here. If it's a bad post/thread, report it and it will be deleted if the mod agrees with you that it is spam.