This is my first Bitcoin directed site.
It's an online game of Yacht (Yatzee-like dice game). You play against someone on the internet either for Bitcoins or for fun.
The whole system is Ajax/JSON/PHP - the game itself is done on the server side (PHP - mt_rand(1,6) for calculation of the dice value), the interface uses JQuery and Boxy.
All tables are 0.10, prize pool of 0.18 (so 0.09 + 0.01 entry) to the winner or return 0.10 to each one on draw.
This is due to beta stage, as it grows more mature I may create other values' tables.
If one disconnects or fails to act within 40 seconds lose.
Banking system for Bitcoins uses MyBitcoin SCI
The address: (yep... I know... sounds like funny, but I just noticed after register the domain)
Hope you enjoy.