August 16, 2011, 12:37:28 PM |
Order Details - btcnow.net, 1234 Fake St., Portland, OR 97201 US sounds legit
Stan?! STAN?!?!
Activity: 1043
Merit: 1002
August 16, 2011, 03:49:49 PM |
Just ordered 1 BTC through btcnow.net. I'll keep you posted
Mycelium let's you hold your private keys private.
Activity: 1043
Merit: 1002
August 16, 2011, 03:52:00 PM |
Just ordered 1 BTC through btcnow.net. I'll keep you posted Got 2 confirmation emails: 1. "Order recepit" from Google Checkout 2. "coins sent" from pierce403@gmail.com
Mycelium let's you hold your private keys private.
Activity: 1043
Merit: 1002
August 16, 2011, 03:55:22 PM |
Just ordered 1 BTC through btcnow.net. I'll keep you posted Got 2 confirmation emails: 1. "Order recepit" from Google Checkout 2. "coins sent" from pierce403@gmail.comGot my first confirmation. My 1 BTC is safe.
Mycelium let's you hold your private keys private.
Activity: 1043
Merit: 1002
August 16, 2011, 03:58:40 PM |
Just ordered 1 BTC through btcnow.net. I'll keep you posted Got 2 confirmation emails: 1. "Order recepit" from Google Checkout 2. "coins sent" from pierce403@gmail.comGot my first confirmation. My 1 BTC is safe. Now, what is really baking my noodle is how it all worked without me entering my credit card numbers. I must have done a purchase using google checkout before. However, I don't remember this :-)
Mycelium let's you hold your private keys private.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1023
Democracy is the original 51% attack
August 16, 2011, 04:09:41 PM |
I just bought 1 coin, paid with Google Checkout, and received my coin within a minute!! Got an order confirmation email and a btc sent email also. Happy customer!
That was faster than buying a hamburger.
August 16, 2011, 04:22:45 PM |
Now, what is really baking my noodle is how it all worked without me entering my credit card numbers. I must have done a purchase using google checkout before. However, I don't remember this :-)
google knows all! :O
ZOMG Moo! 
August 16, 2011, 05:43:03 PM |
I just bought 1 coin, paid with Google Checkout, and received my coin within a minute!! Got an order confirmation email and a btc sent email also. Happy customer!
That was faster than buying a hamburger.
Just bought one as a test too. Literally within 2 seconds after pressing the confirm button, the coin showed up in my wallet and then I got the emails. Very nice service, albeit not the cheapest one.
Elder III
August 16, 2011, 06:10:31 PM |
that looks pretty cool... esp. if/when "pricing drops to more competitive levels". Now I just need to figure out how to sell them that way myself. 
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
Radix-The Decentralized Finance Protocol
August 16, 2011, 06:16:50 PM |
Im sure there is a very obvious reason, but here goes anyway: Why do TradeHill and MtGox (and the rest) dont use GoogleCheckout if it works for this guy?
Trader Steve
August 16, 2011, 06:30:34 PM |
Im sure there is a very obvious reason, but here goes anyway: Why do TradeHill and MtGox (and the rest) dont use GoogleCheckout if it works for this guy?
Because Google Checkout allows chargebacks. This guy won't be in business long before the scammers hit it and chargebacks come back in a fury. At that point Google will shut down his account and he will be stuck with a big bill. Buy your bitcoins while you can but don't be the last guy in line... 
August 16, 2011, 06:32:56 PM |
Probably beacuse its against their TOS.
Bitcoins - Because we should not pay to use our money
nmat (OP)
August 16, 2011, 06:38:03 PM |
I just bought 1 coin, paid with [...], and received my coin within a minute!! [not days!?!]
Now this is really unusual in the bitcoin world  Let's wait and see what happens when someone claims a chargeback.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
August 16, 2011, 06:42:39 PM |
Im sure there is a very obvious reason, but here goes anyway: Why do TradeHill and MtGox (and the rest) dont use GoogleCheckout if it works for this guy?
Because Google Checkout allows chargebacks. This guy won't be in business long before the scammers hit it and chargebacks come back in a fury. At that point Google will shut down his account and he will be stuck with a big bill. Buy your bitcoins while you can but don't be the last guy in line...  and since G checkout is connected to a bank account, all chargebacks and fees associated with them will be drawn from their bank account. There is a reason why methods allowing reversal are not used with bitcoins.
August 16, 2011, 09:23:12 PM |
Im sure there is a very obvious reason, but here goes anyway: Why do TradeHill and MtGox (and the rest) dont use GoogleCheckout if it works for this guy?
Because Google Checkout allows chargebacks. This guy won't be in business long before the scammers hit it and chargebacks come back in a fury. At that point Google will shut down his account and he will be stuck with a big bill. Buy your bitcoins while you can but don't be the last guy in line...  and since G checkout is connected to a bank account, all chargebacks and fees associated with them will be drawn from their bank account. There is a reason why methods allowing reversal are not used with bitcoins. I think operator does know about chargebacks, he mentioned that Google has program against chargebacks and that it only applies to tangible shipped goods. Is it possible that he figured out how to minimize damage and have the business running?
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
August 16, 2011, 09:26:03 PM |
$18 is very pricey for a bitcoin, that's almost double the price of a bitcoin and will definitely cover chargebacks. I'm willing to wait a few days though and trade at $11 instead. You could also offer advertising space to cover chargeback costs. Google made a video on how they handle chargebacks. Which is available http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDcoIgwhFI8
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1015
August 16, 2011, 09:26:59 PM |
I think everyone would do this if scammers didn't catch on. But oh they WILL lol  . He is making a heavy premium on them though.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
August 16, 2011, 09:37:34 PM |
I think operator does know about chargebacks, he mentioned that Google has program against chargebacks but it only applies to tangible shipped goods. Is it possible that he figured out how to minimize damage and have the business running? Highly unlikely but will be interesting to see how it turns out and for how long they can sustain such service. Google can ban/suspend from using their services but they cannot make a customer not to chargeback if there is an issue with merchant. Guess its time to freshen up on G. checkout's policy and tos. At the moment is sounds and looks too good to be true, although it would make things very convenient for general public if anyone could purchase Bitcoins with a credit card.

Activity: 97
Merit: 10
August 16, 2011, 09:39:08 PM |
wait look at the prices $18 a coin lol that guy is almost doubling his profits if he bought them at 9.** a coin
donate to1ATLB2mX8Yybu1nAmvKTNEdJxvm61zjTYs *Image Removed*