Looks nice!
I just have some simple questions that I'd appreciate if you answer before I pay for your service:
What features do you provide with your (Linux) hosting (e.g. PHP, MySQL etc)?
I saw the price started at 5 mBTC/month, was this if you just registered for a month or do you have to sign up for a longer time for such a low price?
What content is allowed/not allowed to be hosted on your websites (I'm not planning on hosting anything illegal, but maybe faucets and such that some hosts do not allow)?
How long can you guarantee your service will be working?
Are there any limits of how much resources my site can use (aside from bandwidth and space limits)?
Thanks for taking your time to answer my questions if you decide to do so! I've been searching for a reliable and cheap host for over a month now and you seem to fit all my criterias.
Linux hosting comes with Apache, MySQL, PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.2 (you can switch between versions), PEAR, Perl. And standard features like Cron Jobs, IP address blocking, etc.
The price of the hosting packages are converted to BTC straight from GBP, and (for this reason) when you buy, your hosting account is valid for 1 month. At the end of the term, I'll email you a price and payment address if you want to renew for the next month.
In terms of content, nothing illegal (obviously). And:
23.2 Web hosting accounts are prohibited from hosting file distribution websites (including but not limited to music, video and software), hosting banners, graphics or cgi scripts for other websites, storing pages, files or data as a repository for other websites or personal computers, giving away web space under a domain, sub domain or directory.
Anything else is fine as long as it complies with UK law.
In terms of resources:
MySQL databases may take up to 500MB of space.
30MB attachment limit on emails.
Inbox size is 400MB.
FTP uploads are restricted to 200MB per file.
Softcap of 25GB for file distribution (non-browsing traffic) - you'll be able to go over this, but if you do the purposes for which will be looked into, since file distribution websites are against the ToS.
APACHE MODULESmod_actions mod_authn_anon mod_authz_default mod_cband mod_deflate mod_filter mod_log_forensic mod_proxy_ajp mod_reqtimeout mod_suexec mod_alias mod_authn_dbd mod_authz_groupfile mod_cern_meta mod_dir mod_headers mod_logio mod_proxy_balancer mod_rewrite mod_unique_id mod_asis mod_authn_dbm mod_authz_host mod_cgid mod_disk_cache mod_ident mod_mime_magic mod_proxy_connect mod_setenvif mod_userdir mod_auth_basic mod_authn_default mod_authz_owner mod_cgi mod_dumpio mod_include mod_mime mod_proxy_ftp mod_speling mod_usertrack mod_auth_digest mod_authn_file mod_authz_user mod_dav_fs mod_env mod_info mod_negotiation mod_proxy_http mod_ssl mod_version mod_auth_mysql mod_authnz_ldap mod_autoindex mod_dav mod_expires mod_ldap mod_overload mod_proxy_scgi mod_status mod_vhost_alias mod_authn_alias mod_authz_dbm mod_cache mod_dbd mod_ext_filter mod_log_config mod_php-fake mod_proxy mod_substitute
PHP MODULESbcmath, bz2, calendar, fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imap, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mime_magic, mysql, mysqli, ncurses, odbc, openssl, pcntl, pcre, PDO, posix, pspell, reflection, session, shmop, simplexml, soap, sockets, spl, sqlite, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zend optimizer, zip, zlib, dbase, ionCube Loader, readline.
If you need the perl and pear modules, or anything else for that matter, let me know.
Oh, and as for a guarantee of how long my service will be working... Realistically I can only guarantee it for a month. I could be hit by a bus tomorrow which might ruin things. But we've been running without a hitch for nearly 2 years now - and with our payments and renewal policy, you only ever pay for a month at a time. Pay as you go, no contracts.