How does bitcoin pool work?
Our server gives users blocks of very low difficulty to solve. Each solution found is registered as one 'share'. Occasionally, a solution will happen to also meet the full-strength difficulty requirements of the Bitcoin network, resulting in a successful 25 BTC minting.
Above quote is from aka slush's pool.
I know that mining a bitcoin is to find a nounce that meets a requirements, which hash value of block head is less than some target(difficulty) value. So I thought that in order to find a nounce, I have to loop through from 1(or 0?) to ~~~ solution nounce, which we call this methoid as brute-force.
Then I thought that pool-mining is to distribute above brute-force method into all miners in pool. So miner A loops throught 1~ 1000, miner B does 1001~2000, and so on. During this process, one miner finds solution nounce.
But above quote from slush pool tells another story. I'm perplexed...
Miners in pool solve not for original block's head(and original difficulty, so final nounce), but for only easy one(I think low difficulty problem means absolutly different problem ).
Then occassionally, the solution of easy one happend to also meet full-strength difficulty...
My understanding is that easy one and difficult one is different problem, then how does easy solution meets difficult one?
I googled it all, but I couldnt find proper search-keyword and results were no good.
Bitcointalk is my last resort............Somebody help me, please.