I love Dogecoin, because it's a really interesting design, it has cool wording for things, and it's going up in value, even more than Devcoiin, at the moment. What's not to like about THAT!
DOGE address: DCuzuDckqXjtmAHPnBBAFYsaxbchXcvut5
By the way, go to my website and let me know what you think of it (Email me; my address is on the main page).
http://www.freewebs.com/luposianIf you like my music, let me know in Email and feel free to send me some DOGE, or if you prefer, you can send me a "tip" in one of the other following currencies, at the addresses shown:
Devcoin (DVC): 1QBAtAHTxVeCxca3QQcU2fnS8njJXvz8we
Litecoin (LTC): LPbj9baPHexgHQoPCczKGEiumf6QKRmjnj
Bitcoin (BTC): 1Hfzn6jJCtnz82QTgXzsSc7XZGF7US7GsQ
Thank you! Woof! "May The DOGE be with you!"