I made a Bernankoin Printer (faucet).
Check it out here:
http://www.thebitcoinmaster.com/bernankoin/index.phpBernankoin is a Primecoin-based cryptocurrency that is not mined, but
printed (the process is the same but the name isn't
). The reward of each printed block doesn't get reduced over time. Instead, the reward increases as more people are trying to mine the coin so as there is enough coin supply for everyone who needs to use it! Learn more about this innovative coin and get the Bernankoin client here:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=375010.0You can print as many Bernankoins as you want with the Bernankoin Printer! I'll monitor the traffic and the ink level (balance) of the printer and adjust the reward if it dries too fast.
Have fun printing Bernankoins!
"Quantitative Easing..."