As we all know it is very difficult to find sellers or buyers via PayPal so I want to sell my DogeCoins follows.
FOR SALE .... 2526358.0005 DogeCoins:
1 - Having a PayPal account Verified
2 - For greater confidence can be placed on the paypal invoice that is well PHYSICAL OBJECT can rest easy and when you want to know they can do a chargeback.
3 - Suggest using (SCROW) PayPal is useless in the same way as it can do chargeback.
4 - First Pagan or we can negotiate the method.
If these agree with that can make the transfer and can provide all the information indicated.
Can send an email to
mircx777@gmail.comAnd happy we can talk, as you can see I can not answer then every 5 minutes for me is a bit difficult.
A greeting!