building coins with supposed resistance is not the most efficient way to create long term hashing for the network
Blakecoin has the idea to try and use a fast and efficient algorithm for the hashing that uses a parallel structure and works well on CPU, GPU, FPGA this is a more balanced approach to the design
Why Blakecoin beats other coins in the long run:
The modified blake-256 algorithm hash rate is just under 3x faster on the GPU and just over 2x on the FPGA compared with Bitcoin
The reward for mining Blakecoin does Not decrease over time it only increases with block height and difficulty
No restriction on any platform as Blakecoin does not include artificial *Security* that slows down possible mining hash rate and reduces power efficiency
Already has planned use for Blakecoin as a currency storage between MMO systems with prototypes in development
Blakecoin is the fastest !
5.1GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 7990
2.2GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 7970
1.4GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 6970
1.3GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 5870
1.6GH/s on a ZTEX USB-FPGA 1.15y Quad Spartan-6 LX150 Development Board (using < 40w of power)
Removed some of the double hashing from the wallet for increased efficiency and reduced collisions
compared with scrypt performance on FPGA for the modified Blake-256 is very good
I would have also thought that if the investment in
very expensive Asic development was done for the modified Blake-256 algo you could be talking 2-3x faster than even the current best SHA-256D Asic it would most certainly use less silicon space thus the chips would be cheaper each and use less power, I think an investment in scrypt based Asic devices is very risky with new algorithms like Blake-256 on the scene
it is also possible to merge mine other Blake-256 based coins with Blakecoin thus supporting other coins with different features without having to pick and choose, it would be up to the pool operators to pick which coins they merged mined with Blakecoin