1.06 download link:
http://dl.hot-coin.org:90/1.06/hotcoin-qt.zipImportant Warning: You must back up the wallet.dat.
1.06 version update wallet.dat struct, support transaction message.
Upgrade steps:
1, open two computers, one running old version, one run version 1.06
2, send old version's coin to the version 1.06 wallet address
I think it's not good idea to break wallet.dat compatibility. This makes upgrading to new wallet very complicated, imho.
Here is my very detailed instructions(It's drinking game too!) on how to do it with one Windows 7 computer. Please, excuse my bad engrish.
1. Drink couple beers. Backup your wallet.dat to usb stick or to some other folder in your hdd, create many backups just in case. You can find your wallet.dat in: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\hotcoin
2. Delete your hotcoin folder in Roaming. Again, make sure you made backup of your wallet.dat before you do it. Drink beer.
2. Go to your hotcoin-qt 1.05 folder (example: C:\hotcoin-qt)
3. Copy your wallet.dat to your hotcoin-qt 1.05 folder. (optional: drink beer or two)
3. Right click hotcoin-qt.exe and choose Create shortcut.
4. Right click hotcoin-qt.exe - Shortcut and choose Properties.
5. Use -datadir= parameter in Target line (example: C:\hotcoin-qt\hotcoin-qt.exe -datadir=C:\hotcoin-qt)
VERY IMPORTANT: Start Wallet with hotcoin-qt.exe - Shortcut and let it synch. (Only use shortcut from now on, never the .exe file anymore. If you start with the .exe file, program creates hotcoin folder to C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\ again. We don't want that! If you accidentally start with the .exe, close the program and delete hotcoin folder in Roaming again. Drink couple beers if you want.)
7. When synching is done, copy your hotcoin-qt folder to somewhere else (example: D:\hotcoin-qt)
8. Now you should have two hotcoin-qt folders on your hdd. (example: one on C:\ and other in D:\)
9. Go to your newly copied hotcoin-qt folder(example: D:\hotcoin-qt)
10. Modify shortcut to target that folder. (example: D:\hotcoin-qt\hotcoin-qt.exe -datadir=D:\hotcoin-qt)
11. Download hotcoin wallet 1.06. Extract it to your D:\hotcoin-qt folder, let it overwrite all. (optional: drink beer)
12. Delete wallet.dat file in your new D:\hotcoin-qt. Start Wallet with shortcut. Encrypt your new wallet now. You might want to drink beer now, go ahead. Hell, drink two if you feel like it.
13. Copy your new wallet in D:\hotcoin-qt to somewhere safe. Do not overwrite you backed up old wallet! Create new backups for your new wallet.dat! Drink beer.
14. Start your new Wallet again. Copy receive address to clipboard. Close new wallet.
15. Open your old Wallet in C:\hotcoin-qt. Remember to do it with shortcut. Open Send page and paste your new wallet address to Pay to: line and send your hotcoins to your new wallet. Close program and drink beer.
16. Open new Wallet in D:\hotcoin-qt and see your received coins from the old wallet. Might take some time, so drinking a few beers is not a bad idea at all.
17. When you are sure that you have received all your coins from the old wallet, you can delete all of your old wallet backups and keep only the new wallet version backups. You may delete your old wallet folder in C:\ now.
18. Drink few beers and go to bed.