Edit 19/06/2018:Added this information to the Merit Dashboard (Link:
BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard), under tab "Potential Merit Sources" so as to allow for a dynamic periodical update of the data, as well as to apply filters to it with recalculation of the ratios (by section/subsection, date period or specific user). Data on dashboard is up to friday 15/06/2018.
1. IntroductionWe’ve seen various post related to the Merit Network, both from a user’s perpective (
Our very own sMerit Network Picture) and from a global perspective (sncc's
Merit network analysis: merit rank distribution and satellites).
The question of how to derive the potential sMerit Sources has come up recurrently, so I thought about digging into the data to see how this could be determined, or at least eased.
The basic principal that I’m using is that potential users should have a track of sMerit awarding in their history. I think that the best criteria is determined by the size of the personal outgoing sMerit Network. That is, the number of distinct users that a certain user has awarded with sMerit over time.
The hypothesis behind is that the more users that one has merited, the better knowledge he has of the underlying principles. The amount awarded is secondary in this case, but also a factor to narrow down candidates.
This can be done from:
a) A Global perspective: Aggregating all the data for a given user.
b) A Section/Subsection perspective: Aggregating the data for a given user in a specific section/subsection.
The numbers presented are those that I found, based on the snapshot of data collected 10 days ago (and aligned with the data presented in
Forum Metrics - Section/subsection sMerit breakdown.). Since I do not know who the exact 79 sMerit Sources are, I have not taken them off the analysis. Logically, the current sMerit Sources should come up in the data right at the top in most cases.
In addition to determining potential candidates for Merit Sources based on the above criteria, Merit Sources could be added by including moderators to that role, since they are already scouting the forum and parsing posts daily. It depends on whether they consider they can perform this additional task along side current tasks. This idea was nicely suggested by seoincorporation in other posts.
In all cases, the candidates need to be manually screened, and vetoed if necessary (tracking DT, checking merited posts, etc.).
In addition, I’d like to mention that determining the potential sMerit Sources comes in second place to determining where these sMerit Sources should develop their activity. Determining where there is a lack of sMerit Sources, in my opinion, derives from knowing how much sMerit is being given in a given section/subsection, and getting a measure of how many posts go unmerited, all in a given timeframe. The deficit can then covered by placing sMerit sources at work in those areas.
The idea here is to be able to detect potential sMerit Source candidates, not to determine in this exercise where exactly they need to be active since that requires other input variables like I said.
2. Global PerspectiveFrom a global perspective, this is the distribution of the size of the outgoing sMerit Network for all users with at least 1 sMerit sent over their history:
We can see that 26 people have sent sMerit to over 100 distinct users each, 4 people to between 90 and 100 users, and so on.
Only 6,63% of the users have a network with 10 or more awarded users.
On the other extreme, a mass of 7.335 people have sent sMerit to only one user, representing 54,61% of all total sMerit awarders.
I think that this last data is a low key tone in the system (more than half of awarders only awarded one user). Obviously this is related to the amount of sMerit available, but from the big picture’s point of view it doesn’t look great.
So from a global point of view, the users that are candidates to being sMerit Sources would be (again, sMerit Sources will probably be on the lists at the top):
(note: top 100 sMerit network size are provided in this list.
Full list in a more user friendly format can be retrieved here:
Google Drive sMerit Outgoing Network 20180516)
The idea would be to scout the users on the list in a top down manner, favouring network size, but also using the complementary provided fields as filter criteria. Provided columns are:
User_from: User_id
Name: User alias
Rank: User rank (as of data extraction)
nSentTo: Network size. Number of distinct users that user_from has sent sMerit to.
sMeritSent: aggregate sMerit sent by the user.
nTx: Number of sMerit Transactions.
avgSent: Average sMerit sent per Transaction.
stdDevSent: Standard Deviation of sent sMerits.
cVarSent: Coefficient of Variation (the smaller, the more constant value of merit awarded by the user)
user_from name rank nSentTo sMeritSent nTx avgSent stdDevSent cVarSent NetworkGroup
234771 suchmoon Legendary 403 1087 738 1,47 1,1 0,74 >100
1192397 paxmao Full Member 363 571 519 1,1 0,39 0,35 >100
18321 OgNasty Donator 309 518 414 1,25 1,65 1,32 >100
30747 Vod Legendary 261 1054 460 2,29 2,52 1,1 >100
252510 JayJuanGee Legendary 261 394 386 1,02 0,14 0,14 >100
140584 EFS Staff 256 1055 577 1,83 1,85 1,01 >100
98986 TMAN Hero Member 244 1081 489 2,21 2,35 1,06 >100
33156 vapourminer Legendary 201 258 253 1,02 0,14 0,14 >100
698159 Jet Cash Hero Member 198 275 256 1,07 0,36 0,34 >100
459836 LoyceV Legendary 183 309 294 1,05 0,33 0,32 >100
153634 dbshck Staff 179 888 455 1,95 2,31 1,18 >100
507936 DarkStar_ Legendary 172 551 261 2,11 2,08 0,99 >100
51173 mprep Global Moderator 166 444 262 1,69 1,46 0,86 >100
487418 The Pharmacist Legendary 162 333 253 1,32 0,82 0,63 >100
72795 QuestionAuthority Legendary 136 1733 153 11,33 8,75 0,77 >100
382413 xandry Staff 131 486 423 1,15 1,54 1,34 >100
452769 bones261 Legendary 130 284 232 1,22 0,7 0,57 >100
24140 qwk Donator 124 485 386 1,26 0,77 0,61 >100
85033 d5000 Legendary 119 160 153 1,05 0,35 0,34 >100
479624 Last of the V8s Hero Member 116 319 316 1,01 0,1 0,1 >100
379487 LFC_Bitcoin Copper Member 114 236 209 1,13 0,49 0,43 >100
290195 achow101 Staff 110 504 267 1,89 1,11 0,59 >100
131361 Timelord2067 Legendary 110 192 192 1 0 0 >100
23092 malevolent Staff 106 330 150 2,2 2,47 1,12 >100
176777 mindrust Legendary 103 319 128 2,49 4,98 2 >100
370611 bill gator Copper Member 102 160 153 1,05 0,27 0,25 >100
120694 xhomerx10 Legendary 98 259 168 1,54 1,98 1,29 (90..100]
55384 Foxpup Legendary 97 609 315 1,93 1,57 0,81 (90..100]
143168 TheQuin Hero Member 95 160 150 1,07 0,74 0,69 (90..100]
553678 rickbig41 Global Moderator 94 303 132 2,3 1,96 0,85 (90..100]
54791 Dabs Staff 90 234 161 1,45 1,53 1,05 (80..90]
68364 Hydrogen Hero Member 90 141 123 1,15 0,35 0,31 (80..90]
349097 Gleb Gamow Legendary 89 194 166 1,17 1,07 0,91 (80..90]
520313 Lutpin Copper Member 89 260 113 2,3 2,87 1,25 (80..90]
169515 EcuaMobi Legendary 89 196 106 1,85 2,16 1,17 (80..90]
88912 600watt Legendary 88 231 147 1,57 2,57 1,64 (80..90]
87229 yefi Legendary 85 217 174 1,25 1 0,8 (80..90]
124876 STT Legendary 84 146 107 1,36 1,62 1,18 (80..90]
175361 DooMAD Legendary 83 204 134 1,52 0,78 0,51 (80..90]
485285 WhiteManWhite Legendary 83 95 95 1 0 0 (80..90]
129726 explorer Legendary 81 232 189 1,23 0,87 0,71 (80..90]
125583 tokeweed Legendary 81 207 95 2,18 1,6 0,73 (80..90]
60820 DannyHamilton Legendary 80 267 189 1,41 0,66 0,47 (70..80]
846936 sabotag3x Hero Member 79 159 146 1,09 0,45 0,42 (70..80]
81839 edgar Legendary 79 157 122 1,29 0,77 0,6 (70..80]
308793 1Referee Legendary 79 242 114 2,12 6,82 3,21 (70..80]
976210 nullius Copper Member 78 318 214 1,49 2,85 1,92 (70..80]
user_from name rank nSentTo sMeritSent nTx avgSent stdDevSent cVarSent NetworkGroup
533006 richardsNY Legendary 77 135 112 1,21 1,83 1,52 (70..80]
557989 BTCforJoe Hero Member 75 141 120 1,18 0,5 0,42 (70..80]
787736 marlboroza Hero Member 73 183 91 2,01 5,11 2,54 (70..80]
41175 infofront Legendary 72 160 152 1,05 0,46 0,43 (70..80]
239406 Toxic2040 Sr. Member 72 123 114 1,08 0,42 0,39 (70..80]
623643 johhnyUA Hero Member 72 100 95 1,05 0,27 0,25 (70..80]
533583 Lucius Legendary 72 142 84 1,69 1,08 0,64 (70..80]
84521 Welsh Legendary 72 104 83 1,25 0,82 0,66 (70..80]
550439 vlom Legendary 71 165 83 1,99 2,83 1,42 (70..80]
84866 ibminer Legendary 69 176 119 1,48 1,11 0,75 (60..70]
906023 poptop Hero Member 68 198 172 1,15 0,59 0,51 (60..70]
988740 frodocooper Staff 68 273 167 1,63 1,38 0,84 (60..70]
806776 digaran Copper Member 68 218 96 2,27 1,65 0,73 (60..70]
434984 mhanbostanci Legendary 67 180 99 1,82 2,48 1,36 (60..70]
507856 LeGaulois Copper Member 66 112 87 1,29 0,73 0,57 (60..70]
95019 Co1n Sr. Member 65 108 102 1,06 0,44 0,42 (60..70]
155345 gentlemand Legendary 65 131 76 1,72 0,92 0,53 (60..70]
569455 BobLawblaw Legendary 64 386 204 1,89 3,86 2,04 (60..70]
110785 AGD Legendary 64 76 75 1,01 0,12 0,11 (60..70]
255065 ebliever Legendary 63 221 100 2,21 1,37 0,62 (60..70]
525058 InvoKing Legendary 63 99 71 1,39 1,96 1,41 (60..70]
6706 RodeoX Legendary 63 86 69 1,25 0,47 0,37 (60..70]
379147 pooya87 Legendary 61 132 83 1,59 1,63 1,03 (60..70]
557798 TryNinja Hero Member 61 89 74 1,2 0,57 0,48 (60..70]
114848 Financisto Hero Member 61 67 67 1 0 0 (60..70]
204821 Buchi-88 Legendary 60 181 124 1,46 1,31 0,9 (50..60]
17501 iCEBREAKER Legendary 60 210 68 3,09 3,54 1,15 (50..60]
183781 pawel7777 Legendary 59 92 65 1,42 1,01 0,72 (50..60]
65636 babo Legendary 58 118 117 1,01 0,09 0,09 (50..60]
163641 eternalgloom Legendary 57 124 63 1,97 1,33 0,68 (50..60]
913593 Juggy777 Sr. Member 57 59 59 1 0 0 (50..60]
511899 RoomBot Legendary 56 218 83 2,63 5,7 2,17 (50..60]
163318 Torque Legendary 55 123 120 1,03 0,16 0,15 (50..60]
347141 BitRentX Staff 55 391 79 4,95 3,42 0,69 (50..60]
28719 jbreher Legendary 54 160 150 1,07 0,74 0,69 (50..60]
1304130 pandukelana2712 Full Member 54 128 94 1,36 0,84 0,62 (50..60]
313016 owlcatz Legendary 54 169 79 2,14 2,74 1,28 (50..60]
402366 Betwrong Legendary 54 121 65 1,86 2,57 1,38 (50..60]
49008 jojo69 Legendary 53 189 125 1,51 2,21 1,46 (50..60]
1275282 joniboini Full Member 52 152 109 1,39 1 0,72 (50..60]
1067333 micgoossens Sr. Member 52 116 108 1,07 0,26 0,24 (50..60]
867786 HCP Hero Member 52 106 86 1,23 0,7 0,57 (50..60]
677181 Mometaskers Hero Member 52 86 59 1,46 0,95 0,65 (50..60]
226681 finist4x Legendary 52 132 54 2,44 6,67 2,73 (50..60]
443338 CjMapope Legendary 51 166 57 2,91 1,86 0,64 (50..60]
1023316 Ranyar Sr. Member 51 80 57 1,4 1,44 1,02 (50..60]
314792 examplens Legendary 50 70 61 1,15 0,36 0,31 (40..50]
164828 u9y42 Legendary 49 105 87 1,21 0,76 0,63 (40..50]
223006 Karartma1 Legendary 49 172 79 2,18 2,34 1,07 (40..50]
550315 snipie Legendary 49 189 78 2,42 1,98 0,82 (40..50]
Suchmoon comes at the top of the list, having the biggest outgoing sMerit network in the whole Forum (as of date of data extraction). He has an outgoing network of 403 distinct users, having awarded them 1087 sMerits over 738 Transactions. The average per Transaction is of 1,47 sMerits, although the awarding has a variance of 1,1 sMerits giving us a Coefficient of Variation of 74%.
Paxmao is next in line, with an outgoing network of 363 distinct users, having awarded them 571 sMerits over 519 Transactions. The average per Transaction is of 1,1 sMerits, with a variance of 0,39 sMerits giving us a Coefficient of Variation of 35%.
This means that Paxmao tends to award an amount of sMerit nearer to his average than Suchmoon. This is neither good nor bad, but the Coefficient of Variation could be meaningful in some scenarios in general.
And so on..
2. Section/Subsection PerspectiveA section/subsection perspective allows us to see the same output of information as above, but filtered specifically to the section/subsection being analysed (aggregates of data are only those related to the specific section/subsection being treated).
The graphs themselves are not too enlightening, but the data table at the base shows us the goodies.
I'll spare the visual pain of seeing local scrolling lists here, but all the data charted can be retrieved from the
full list here (second tab) :
Google Drive sMerit Outgoing Network 20180516)
2.1. Alternate CryptocurrenciesVapourminer has the largest outward sMerit Network, with 64 Users in his network on the Mining Altcoins board.
If we needed sMerit sources on the Mining (Altcoin) section/subsection, there are 11 candidates with an outward sMerit Network greater or equal to 10 users, so finding one there is difficult due to lack of candidates. Nevertheless, perhaps candidates with a smaller network in the section/subsection, but a large overall one could be shifted to Merit here as a source.
All other sections/subsections are similar except for Ann Altcoins, where there are 45 candidates with a network above 10 users.
2.2. BitcoinProject Development has only two native candidates, since all the remaining users have a network that is less or equal to 6 users.
Bitcoin Technical Support is also rather scarce, with only 10 candidates with a network greater o equal to 10 users. Mining has one more candidate above this threshold.
Development & Technical Discussion and Bitcoin Discussion are better off with easy two digit network candidates.
2.3. EconomyTrading Discussion is a bit scarce, but holds 18 candidates with a network greater or equal to 10 users. Marketplace and economics have plenty of candidates above the 10 user network threshold.
2.4. OtherMeta seems well served with candidates. Beginners & Help has just over a dozen above the 10 user network threshold.
On the other hand, politics & Society, and off-topic are rather scarce with candidates, with less than a handful at most.
Archival and Serious Discussion probably don’t need candidates.
2.5. Local BoardsHalf the Local boards are a sore sight in terms of candidates. Moving the minimum size threshold further down gives more options, but lower than a network size of 7 or 8 is maybe dangerous terrain due to farms.
Russian, Turkish, Indonesian and Turkish local boards seem to have enough candidates if needed.
Some seem impossible using a sMerit Network criteria, such as the Indian board. If it’s moderated, perhaps the mod could do this job too.