I think the best signal that will work well is in the market itself because you can find the sign with watching and analyzing the price moves so you can know when you need to buy and sell.
But that will need practice, skills, and experience to see the chance to trade.
I always check on the time interval to see how good the trend moves and check the price at the order place so I can see how much bigger my chance to trade.
And if I cannot found a good reason to trade, then I will skip to trade and only watch the market.
many ways to see this, but you're right. although there are many theories, or videos, or information, this still requires experience, and skills from each person. each person has a different way of looking at this signal. well, even I still can't determine it. I only hear or read news circulating before trading.
Besides that, don't forget to practice for what you learn because without practicing the lesson, we cannot get experience, which will be useful for us to improve our skills.
If you can practice without stop and you get something from the lesson, I am sure your skills will increase in a short time, and you can analyze the market without having difficulty.
But many people or traders cannot learn from their lesson, and they are too afraid to practice because they are not ready to get a loss in trading.
I think if they can understand that losing the money is part of the lesson, I am sure they can prevent the loss and even they will try to make a profit.