There's really not enough buy depth to support that price though, market cap is neat but still really a theoretical metric.
99% of the time, these new coins hit the market and see a few high initial sales and a subsequent quick drop as the large miners sell off their coins. The price has usually recovered somewhat later on for most of the coins.
Right. Except now the price is starting higher and higher. Just because Applecoin is doing well in China doesn't mean QQC is going to do anything special anywhere
EDIT: Meanwhile I just went to coinup and bought 50k QQC for 2btc (.00004 rate) in less than 5 minutes. So the FUD about that exchange not working or being manipulated is incorrect as well.
I probably could have gotten it for less.
I never claimed that QQC was going to do anything at all but I guess that wasn't meant for me, heh.
Who was claiming the exchange wasn't working? Sometimes it's a a bit slow but it's working just fine, guess it was in another thread.