Is this website related to gambling in anyway?
Just by going on the name of the site does not tell the person who would be interested what type of site it is related to even if it was.
You need to say which type of gambling it is too.
Sports gambling or slots.
Cant just say "Site is open and new ico. Join now!" without any information expect for a website address. Because now a days people are not going to click on a website they are not familiar with in case they wish to spread code.

If you've watched the intro video on their site, you will know that it is a prediction game (specifically predicting the price of top 10 coins).
My feedback on this project is a bit poor.
You'll see that there is a less professionalism in terms of the video (odd music, common hand writing effect etc), the whole website and the 'one page' (whitepaper?).
I'm afraid that these soon would happen ..
1. The game is not convincing for gamblers to play
2. The devs would immediately dump that 18% supply and leave