But i get the point, again a ton of naive people without any market experience thinking that future is just honey and butterflies :-)...
I ask the question differently, is there anyone that thinks, that bitcoin price is still in a buble stage and that it will still go down (Around 450) an stabilizes itself around this value for several months?
I honestly don't believe we are going to stabilise at $450 for several months. There is no evidence this will happen.
Guess I'm more of a honey and butterflies person really.
Wow... theres is "no evidence"... did you mean that really...? Well theres a ton of evidence... i really better get quickly back to "trust only yourself" mode, because so far being here on this forum just led me to be more optimistic than i should. There is a ton of evidence that the price is still overshoot. I was doing some basic noob stastic stuff and it gave me results similiar to what i have thought before... Im doing this to figure out if i should sell my bitcoins now, wait for the drop, buy them back (and realize a profit in the mean time) but again i might be wrong and lose them...
So im calling it right here, right now... i belive that bitcoin is still in its buble stage and the price is still overshot and i belive that it will come down to around 450 USD (or even lower :-( ?) and be stabilize its position around this level for several weeks if not months. I belive the price could reach the level somewhere in the mid January 2014.
So lets see what happens :-), im myself curious, if i am right, i hope so because that would give my other predictions more value :-).
Lets see...
Is there anyone who thinks the price is still overshot and belive in the level around 450 dolars?
According to my "studies" (noobish as hell i must admit, but still i got some statistics courses at university (but really nothing special)) the price could reach a STABLE 10 000 level around middle of August 2015. It could be sooner, but that would be in a buble, stable 10 000 USD price around August 2015 (if Govs. doesnt ban BTC worldwide :-) ).
Stable 1000 USD price should be reached according to my calculations around July 2014.
(i was calculating with weighted price (dont really know what that means :-) but it should be more accurate than LOW and HIGH values each day), with day charts from MTGOx since 17.7.2010 till now (29.12.2013). Used a log scale and and a linear ("straight" :-) ) trendline. Noobish analysis done in Excel :-).)
But thats just a mathematical numbers calculations... Govs. of the world can simple come out in a month and announce on some economic meeting that they are banning bitcoin (for whatever reason theyll come up with) and the price is DEAD and my "analysis" funny at least :-). Or also we could have some funds or or i dont know what which will come into bitcoin, thus boosting its price quite a lot... So its hard to tell, but i think the price is currently still overshot and i belive in a 450 USD bitcoins stable price around mid. january 2014.