Good answer and thank you. yah... I have no clue about what would be a good round robin pool strat or solo success probability so I'd probably just go with the middlepool option unless someone could point me to a link with some understandable pool hopping strategy.
Very interesting and thanks for providing the service. I assume you are just doing this out of the goodness of your heart since you could just use the miner for yourself and do much better than the current bid in a month's time. So, thanks for that too! I'm still contemplating placing a bid /ponder /ponder
I don't think I would accept a request for a single pool. I can explain the different load balance strategies to the buyer and assist with choosing pools if needed.
Goodness of my heart... Yeah, we can go with that...
I am managing risk.
Based on current calculations $1 per 100Khash per day is the going profit for multi-alt mining, subtract the average electric, hosting, heat, maintenance, etc costs and you would make what $1-$2 a day? So I make
BTC up front to expand my farm and you make the full $3.5 per day with no added costs. This is using the current value of BTC to USD and average alt to BTC numbers.
I am fairly well trusted (and known for being a jackass) on these forums and I'm not going anywhere.
***Do your own research and don't blindly trust the numbers given by a seller. (Besides I got these from Gnar1ta$)