Here is FreeTrade's blog post on MemoryCoin's website there is no point posting in FreeTrade's thread because posts get deleted - I want to point out
One way to approach the problem is to have a very complex algorithm – this is the protection afforded by Quark and PrimeCoin. The proof-of-work is so complicated that it takes a long time to develop code that will run well on GPUs. When the code is developed, it represents a big investment and so is unlikely to be released. You won’t even hear about it while it is profitable to its creators. When GPU miners are eventually released, they will blow CPU miners out of the water. This approach is a short-term one.
The reason coins use a complex algorithm, is so that people *cant* create a GPU miner for it, it's not because it takes longer for them to develop it, it's because the
GPU's aren't capable of handling the instructions and calculations in the algorithm any faster than a CPU.
"Short-Term" is having a GPU miner released the day after the source code gets released (which was 2 weeks after the mining started)
MemoryCoin’s algorithm does this by maximizing main memory use and using the AES-NI set that modern CPUs have. However, even with these measures, GPUs can still beat CPUs. The algorithm is simple and so GPU miners have appeared publicly and rapidly.
Wait... so you knew this algorithm was able to be mined with a GPU *BEFORE* you wrote the code - but still marketed it as a "GPU Resistant" coin - because it required 1 gig of RAM to do the encryption?
The upside is that the GPUs are limited in their advantage over CPUs. They are between 2 or 3 times faster per dollar. Compare that to 100X for Bitcoin or 10X for Litecoin. This means CPUs will continue to be viable and we’re unlikely to see GPU farms built for, nor directed, at MemoryCoin.
Once again, more bullshit! It's in the official MemoryCoin 2.0 thread (until you delete the post of course) that people are reporting 10x higher hashrates using GPU than CPU - I think you should be saying ASIC instead of GPU farm, because people already have these farms from bitcoins/litecoins/doges/moon and will use them to mine the next big thing - then dump it on the market a few days later with high profits.
Why are you still presenting false/misleading information to the community about your coin?