UserCoin -- Specstotal supply: 57,274,990 USC
special offer:
KICK-OFF SPECIAL OFFER !!! 1BTC = 100,000 USC until 15th Jan 2014, then normal purchase price of 1BTC=10,000 USC
premine, charges, honnors: 0%
ETA UserCoin Add-on: TBD (currently under alpha developmental stage)
Estimated RoadMap- 1th Januay 2014: Start of Special Offer of UserCoin IPO 1BTC = 100,000 USC until 15th Jan 2014
- 6th January 2014: Alpha Version of UserCoin Add-on
- 15th Januay 2014: End of Special Offer IPO
- 20th January 2014: Beta Version of UserCoin Add-on
- 1st Feb 2014: RC1 UserCoin Add-on
- 15th Feb 2014: RC2 UserCoin Add-on
- 28th Feb 2014: Final Version UserCoin Add-on
- 1st March 2014: End of UserCoin IPO
Hi, I am
intercoin-dev, Lead Architect In Chief of InterCoin I am proud to introduce you
"UserCoin", an spin-off of
InterCoin which embodies the
currencies from the user side. Previous work and research in InterCoin have proved that user is a central part in cryptographic coins, so it is needed a simple
model which performs in a simple manner for all users, regardless technical skills. Let me to announce
UserCoin, the 3rd generation breed of currencies.
UserCoin, Building the blockchain from user sideWe want to bring the user to the next stage in the experience blockchain . Not complex and expensive hardware should be needed for it. Just an internet connection and a compatible browser are the basic requirements for UserCoin. No much more implementation details can be revealed for now.
We wish you a happy and profitable year 2014.
intercoin-dev, InterCoin & UserCoin Lead Architect In Chief.